AFTER he had despatched Sanjaya to the
Pandavas, Dhritarashtra, filled with
anxiety, could not get a wink of sleep that
night. He sent for Vidura and spent the
whole night talking to him.

"To give the Pandavas their share of the
kingdom is the safest plan," said Vidura.
"Only this can bring good to both sides.
Treat the Pandavas and your own sons
with equal affection. In this case, the right
course is also the wise one."
Vidura counselled Dhritarashtra in this
manner at great length.

The next morning Sanjaya returned to
Hastinapura. And gave a full account of
what had taken place in Yudhishthira's

"Chiefly, Duryodhana should know what
Arjuna said: 'Krishna and I are going to
destroy Duryodhana and his followers,
root and branch. Make no mistake about
it. The Gandiva bow is impatient for war.
My bowstring is throbbing even without
my stretching it and from my quiver,
arrows keep peeping out impatiently,
demanding when? When? Sanjaya, evil
stars make the foolish Duryodhana seek
war with Krishna and myself. Not even
Indra and the gods can defeat us.' Thus
spoke Dhananjaya," said Sanjaya.

Bhishma counselled Dhritarashtra against
opposing the combined might of Arjuna
and Krishna. "Karna, who boasts
repeatedly that he will slay the Pandavas",
said Bhishma, "is not equal to a sixteenth
part of the Pandavas. Your sons are
heading for destruction, listening to his
words. When Arjuna beat back your son's
attack on Virata's capital and humbled his
pride, what was Karna able to do? When
the Gandharvas took your son prisoner,
where did the invincible Karna bide
himself? Was it not Arjuna who drove
back the Gandharvas?" Thus did Bhisma
taunt Karna and warn the Kauravas.

"What grandfather Bhisma says is the
only proper thing to do," said
Dhritarashtra. "All wise men say, and I
know, that it is best to seek peace. But
what can I do? These fools would go their
own way, however loudly I protest."

Duryodhana, who had been listening to all
this, stood up. "Father, do not worry and
tremble about our safety. We know how
strong we are. That we shall win is
certain. Yudhishthira knows it too, for,
giving up all hope of kingdom, he only
begs now for five villages. Is it not clear
from this that he is already scared about
our eleven divisions? What can the
Pandavas oppose to our eleven divisions?
Why then do you doubt our victory?"
Duryodhana said to his father and tried to
cheer him up.

"My son, let us not have war," said
Dhritarashtra. "Be satisfied with half the
kingdom. It is enough if we govern that
half well." Duryodhana could stand it no
longer. "The Pandavas will not receive
even a needle-point of territory," he
exclaimed, and left the court. In the
excitement that prevailed, the court broke

Let us now relate what the Pandavas were
saying among themselves. After Sanjaya
left Upaplavya for Hastinapura,
Yudhishthira said to Krishna: "Vasudeva,
Sanjaya is Dhritarashtra's alter ego. From
his speech, I have divined what is in
Dhritarashtra's mind. Dhritarashtra is
trying to secure peace without giving us
any territory. In my simplicity, I was glad
at first when I heard Sanjaya speak. But it
soon became clear that my joy was
unfounded. He then struck a middle line
and spoke desiring peace. But the words
with which he ended his message seemed
to commend meekness to us, even if our
just rights were denied. Dhritarashtra has
not been playing fair with us. The crisis is
approaching. There are none but you to
protect us. I made my offer that we would
be content with only five villages. The
wicked Kauravas will refuse even this.

How can we tolerate this height of
intransigence? Only you can advise us in
this crisis. There is none but you who
knows what our duty is now and can
guide us in dharma as well as in

Krishna said in reply: "For the good of
you both, I have decided to go to
Hastinapura. I shall go to Dhritarashtra's
court and try to secure your rights without
war. If my mission succeeds, it will be for
the good of the world."

Yudhishthira said: "Krishna, pray do not
go. What is the good of your going to the
enemies' place now? The perverse
Duryodhana will stick to his folly. I do not
like your going among those unscrupulous
men. We cannot let you jeopardise your
safety, for the Kauravas will stop at

Krishna answered: "Dharmaputra, I know
how wicked Duryodhana is. But still we
should make all attempts at a peaceful
solution so as to give the world no cause
to accuse us of not having done
everything possible to avert war. We must
omit nothing, no matter how slender our
hopes of success. Have no fears for my
safety, for, if the Kauravas offer me, a
messenger of peace, any threat of bodily
harm, I will reduce them to ashes."
Said Yudhishthira: "You are all-knowing.
You know our hearts as well as theirs. In
expounding matters and in the art of
persuasion, there is none better than you."
Krishna said: "Yes, I know you both.

Your mind ever clings to righteousness
and theirs is always steeped in hatred,
jealousy and enmity. I will do all I can to
secure the result, which I know is dear to
you, a settlement reached without war
even though it may have, but little for
you. The signs are ominous and portend
war. Still duty demands that we should
make the attempt for peace."
Thus saying, Krishna took leave of the
Pandavas and set off in his chariot to




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