THE sin of the unrighteous slaughter of
Vritra pulled Indra down from his high
estate and made him a fugitive. Nahusha
became the king of the gods in his stead.
Nahusha started well, assisted by the merit
and the fame earned by him while he was
a king on earth. Thereafter, he fell on evil

The assumption of the kingship of the
gods filled him with arrogance, He lost his
humility and became filled with lawless

Nahusha indulged freely in the pleasures
of heaven and gave him up to untamed
and lecherous thoughts. One day, he saw
Indra's wife and became enamored of her.
Possessed by evil thoughts, he spoke in
tones of command to the assembled gods:
"Why has not Sachidevi, the wife of the
king of the gods, come to me? Am I not
the king of the gods now? Send her to my
house soon."

When she learnt this, Indra's wife was
indignant. In fear and distress, she went to
Brihaspati and cried out: "Preceptor, save
me from this wicked person."

Brihaspati offered her protection. "Fear
not " he said, "Indra will soon be back.
Stay here with me. You will regain your
husband." When Nahusha learnt that
Sachidevi did not agree to fall in with his
wishes and that she sought and obtained
shelter under Brihaspati's roof, he became
exceedingly angry.

The king's displeasure frightened the
gods. They protested: "King of the gods,
be not angry. Your anger will make the
world sad. Sachidevi is another's wife, do
not covet her. Do not swerve from the
path of righteousness."

But, the infatuated Nahusha would not
listen to them. Tauntingly, he said to
them: "When Indra lusted for Ahalya,
where were your principles of
righteousness and good conduct? Why did
you not prevent him then and why do you
stop me now? What did you do when he
so shamelessly murdered Visvarupa when
the latter was in penance and where was
your virtuous horror when he killed Vritra
through deceit? Sachidevi's only course is
to come and live with me and it will be for
your good to get her reconciled to my
proposal and leave her in my charge. So,
now set about it," ordered Nahusha.

The affrighted gods decided to talk the
matter over with Brihaspati and somehow
contrive to bring Sachidevi to Nahusha.
They all went to Brihaspati and related to
him what Nahusha had said and pleaded
that Sachidevi should submit to Nahusha’s

At which, the chaste Sachidevi shook with
shame and fear and cried out: "My God! I
cannot do it. I sought refuge in you. Oh
brahmana, do protect me."

Brihaspati consoled her and said: "He,
who betrays one who has sought refuge,
will meet with destruction. The very earth
will not let the seed, that he sows, sprout.
I will not give you up. Nahusha's end is
approaching. Be not afraid."

He indicated a way of escape from her
difficult situation by hinting that she
should pray for time, and the shrewd
Sachidevi took the hint and bravely went
to Nahusha's palace.

As soon as Nahusha saw her, pride and
lust having deprived him of his senses, he
was beside himself with joy and said: "O
fair one, do not tremble. I am the lord of
the three regions. There can be no sin in
your becoming my wife."

Hearing the wicked man's words, the
virtuous Indrani, Indra's wife, trembled for
a moment. Soon regaining composure she
replied: "King of the gods, before I
become yours, I have a request to make. Is
Indra alive or is he dead? If he is alive,
where is he? If, after making enquiries
and searching for him, I do not find him,
then no sin will attach to me and I could
become your wife with a clear

Nahusha said: "What you say is right. Go
and search for him and be sure to return.
Remember the plighted word." Saying
this, he sent her back to Brihaspati's

The gods went to the great Vishnu and
complained to him of Nahusha. They said:
"Lord, it was your might that killed Vritra
but Indra bears, the sin of it, and ashamed
and afraid to show himself in his unclean
state, he has hidden himself.

Pray indicate a way of deliverance for
him." Narayana said in reply: "Let him
worship me. He will be cleansed of sin
and the evil-minded Nahusha will meet
with destruction."

Sachidevi prayed to the goddess of
chastity, and, by her grace, reached where
Indra was in hiding. Indra had reduced
himself to the size of an atom and hid
himself in a fibre of the stem of a lotus
plant growing in Manasarovara. He was
doing penance in that state waiting for
better days. Sachidevi could not contain
herself for sorrow at her husband's plight
and burst into tears. She acquainted him
with her troubles.

Indra spoke words of courage to her.
"Nahusha's end is drawing near," he said.
"Go to him by yourself and tell him that
you consent to his proposal. Ask him to
come to your residence in a palanquin
carried by ascetics. Then Nahusha will be

Sachidevi went and pretended to agree to
Nahusha's proposal as Indra had asked her
to do. Overjoyed that she had returned to
him in this complaisant mood, the foolish
Nahusha burst out: "Blessed one, I am
your slave and ready to do you’re every
bidding. You have been true to your

"Yes, I have come back. You will be my
husband. I want you to do something,
which I very much desire. Are you not the
lord of the world? It is my wish that you
should come majestically to my house in a
grander style than the great Vishnu or
Rudra or the asuras. Let the palanquin be
borne by the seven rishis. I shall then be
glad and receive you and bid you
welcome," she said.

Nahusha fell into the trap. "What a grand
idea! Your imagination is wonderful. It
pleases me exceedingly. It is but proper
that the great rishis should carry me, who
am blessed with the powers of absorbing
the energy of those on whom my eyes fall.
I shall do exactly as you have
wished,"said he, and sent her back home.
The infatuated Nahusha called the rishis
and bade them carry him on their

At this sacrilege, the three worlds were
aghast and trembled. But worse was to
come as the palanquin was carried along.
Inflamed with thoughts of the beautiful
Sachidevi waiting for him, Nahusha was
impatient to reach her soon. So he began
goading the rishi-bearers of his palanquin
to go faster. And he went so far in his mad
wickedness as to kick Agastya, one of the
bearers, saying "sarpa, sarpa." (Sarpa
means to move and also a serpent.) The
insanity of lust and arrogance had reached
its culmination. Nahusha's cup of iniquity
was full.

"Meanest of the mean, do thou fall from
heaven and become a sarpa on earth,"
cursed the rishi in his wrath. Immediately
Nahusha fell headlong, down from
heaven, and became a python in the jungle
and had to wait for several thousand years
for his deliverance. Indra was restored to
his state. He became the king of the gods
and Sachidevi's grief ended.

Relating this story of the sufferings of
Indra and his wife to Yudhishthira and
Draupadi at Upaplavya, their uncle Salya
tried to comfort them.

"Victory awaits the patient. Those, whom
prosperity makes arrogant, meet with
destruction. You, your brothers and
Draupadi have gone through untold
sufferings like Indra and his wife. Your
trials will soon be over and you will
regain your kingdom. The evil-minded
Karna and Duryodhana will be destroyed
even as Nahusha was," said Salya.




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