HAVING sent Drupada's brahmana to
Hastinapura on the peace mission, the
Pandavas sent word, at the same time, to
the princes likely to favor their cause to
collect their forces and hold themselves in
readiness for war. To Dwaraka, Arjuna
went himself.

Having understood through his spies the
turn events were taking, Duryodhana too
did not remain idle. Learning that
Vasudeva (Krishna) was back in his home
city, he sped towards Dwaraka in his
chariot, as fast as his swiftest horses could
take him. The two of them, Arjuna and
Duryodhana, thus reached Dwaraka on the
same day.

Krishna was fast asleep. Because they
were his close relatives, Arjuna and
Duryodhana could go into his bedroom.
There they both waited for Krishna to
wake up. Duryodhana, who went in first,
seated himself on a decorated throne-chair
at the head of the bed, while Arjuna kept
standing at its foot with arms folded in
respectful posture.

When Mahadeva woke up, his eyes fell on
Arjuna who stood in front of him and he
gave him warm welcome. Turning then to
Duryodhana, he welcomed him too and
asked them what brought them both to
Dwaraka. Duryodhana was the first to

"It looks," said he, "as though war would
break out between us soon. If it does, you
must support me. Arjuna and I are equally
beloved of you. We both claim equally
close relationship with you. You cannot
say that either of us is nearer to you than
the other. I came here before Arjuna.
Tradition has it that he who came first
should be shown preference. Janardana,
you are the greatest among the great; so it
is incumbent on you to set an example to
others. Confirm with your conduct the
traditional dharma and remember that it
was I who came first."

To which Purushottama (Krishna)
answered: "Son of Dhritarashtra, it may be
that you came here first, but it was Kunti's
son that I saw immediately on waking up.
If you were the first arrival, it was Arjuna
who first caught my eye. So, even in this
respect, your claims on me are equal and I
am therefore bound to render assistance to
both sides. In distributing favors, the
traditional usage is to begin with the
junior-most among the recipients. I would,
therefore, offer the choice to Arjuna first.

The Narayana, my tribesmen, are my
equals in battle and constitute a host, large
and almost invincible. In my distribution
of assistance, they will be on one side, and
I individually on the other. But I shall
wield no weapon and take no part in
actual fighting."

Turning to Arjuna he said, "Partha, think
it over well. Would you want me, alone
and weaponless, or would you prefer the
prowess of the Narayana? Exercise the
right to the first choice which custom
gives you as the younger man."

Scarcely had Krishna finished when
Arjuna said with reverence and without
hesitation: "I would be content if you are
with us, though you may wield no

Duryodhana could hardly contain himself
for joy at what he thought was Arjuna's
imbecile choice. He gladly chose the help
of Vasudevas army and his request was
granted. Pleased with the acquisition of a
mighty force, Duryodhana went to
Baladeva and told him the story.

As he finished speaking, the mighty
Balarama said: "Duryodhana, they must
have told you all I said at the time of the
marriage of Virata's daughter. I pleaded
your case and urged everything that could
be said for you. Often have I told Krishna
that we have equal ties with the Kauravas
and the Pandavas. But my words failed to
carry conviction to him. I am helpless. It
is impossible for me to side with one
whom Krishna opposes. I will not help
Partha and I cannot support you against
Krishna. Duryodhana, you come of an
illustrious line, which is respected by all
the princes of the land. Well, then, if it
must be war, bear yourself in accordance
with the Kshatriya code," said he.

Duryodhana returned to Hastinapura in
high spirits saying to himself: "Arjuna has
made a fool of himself. The great army of
Dwaraka will fight on my side and
Balarama's good wishes too are with me.
Vasudeva has been left without an army."

"Dhananjaya, why did you choose thus
unwisely, preferring me alone and
unarmed to my fully equipped and heroic
forces?" asked Krishna of Arjuna with a
smile, when they were alone. Arjuna

"My ambition is to achieve glory even like
yours. You have the power and prowess to
face all the princes of the land and their
hordes in battle single-handed. I too feel I
can do it. So, I desire that I should win the
battle with you driving my chariot
unarmed. I have desired this for long and
you have today fulfilled my wish."

Vasudeva smiled again and pronounced
this benediction: "Are you trying to
compete with me? May you succeed," for
he was pleased with Arjuna's decision.
This is the sacred story of how Krishna
became Partha's charioteer.




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