MANY brahmanas visited the Pandavas
during their exile. And one such, returning
to Hastinapura, went to see Dhritarashtra,
who received him with due honor.

The brahmana told him how the Pandavas,
born princes, were, by unkind destiny, at
the mercy of the wind and the sun and
suffered great privations.

Dhritarashtra was probably sorry to hear
this. But what troubled him most were the
consequences to his own sons. Could
Yudhishthira continue to hold the justly
wrathful Bhima in check?

Dhritarashtra feared that the anger of the
Pandavas, long pent up, might one day
break its bounds and overflow in a
devastating flood.

The king anxiously pondered thus:
"Arjuna and Bhima will certainly try to
punish us. Sakuni, Karna, Duryodhana
and the short-sighted Duhsasana are
perched precariously up a tree in search of
a honeycomb while below is the abyss of
Bhima's anger yawning to receive them to
their destruction."

The blind king pursued his thought: "Alas,
why did we become a prey to
covetousness? It is not as though poverty
drove us to it! Why did we take to the
path of injustice? Instead of enjoying our
boundless wealth in contentment we
succumbed to lust of power and
possession and coveted what was not ours.
Wrong cannot but yield its bitter harvest!

Arjuna has returned from heaven with
divine weapons. What could tempt one
back to earth from heaven but the craving
for vengeance? And we have earned it!"
These thoughts would haunt and give him
no peace.

Though Dhritarashtra was thus worried,
Sakuni, Karna and Duryodhana were
giddily happy and found much pleasure in
exulting congratulation of one another on
their prosperity.

Karna and Sakuni said to Duryodhana:
"The kingdom which was in the hands of
Yudhishthira has become ours. We need
no longer burn with jealousy."

Duryodhana replied: "O Karna, all that is
true, but would it not be a joy of joys to
see with my own eyes the sufferings of
the Pandavas and bring their sorrow to a
climax by a display of our happiness? The
only way to perfect our happiness is to go
to the forest and see the distress of the
Pandavas, but my father will refuse
permission," and Duryodhana shed tears
at his father's cruelty in denying him this

He said again: "The king fears the
Pandavas, as he thinks that they are
endowed with the power of austerities. He
forbids us to go to the forest and meet
them, lest danger should befall us. But I
tell you, all we have done so far is labor
lost, without a sight of the sufferings of
Draupadi, Bhima and Arjuna in the forest.

This life of idle ease is torment to me
without that great joy. Sakuni and yourself
must seek a way of obtaining the king's
consent for us to go to the forest and see
the Pandavas in their misery."

Early next morning, Karna went to
Duryodhana with a cheerful face and
announced that he had found a way out of
the difficulty.

He said: "What do you think of going to
our ranches at Dwaitavana for the annual
stock-taking of the cows? The king
certainly cannot object to that." Sakuni
and Duryodhana applauded this bright
idea and sent the leader of the cowherds to
the king to secure his permission.

But the king would not assent. He said:
"Hunting is indeed beneficial to the
princes. It is also desirable to take stock of
the cows. But I learn that the Pandavas are
dwelling in that forest. It is not advisable
for you to go there. I cannot agree to send
you to a place near the abode of Bhima
and Arjuna while there is still occasion for
anger and strife."

Duryodhana said: "We shall not go near
them. On the contrary we shall be very
careful and avoid them." The king

"However careful you may be, there is
danger in mere nearness. Also, it is not
right to intrude on the sorrows of the
Pandavas in their forest life. Anyone of
your soldiers might trespass and give
offence, which may lead to trouble.
Someone else can go in your stead to
count the cattle."

Sakuni said: "O king, Yudhishthira knows
and follows the path of dharma. He has
given his promise in the open assembly
and the Pandavas will follow his bidding.
The sons of Kunti will not show any
enmity towards us. Do not oppose
Duryodhana who is fond of hunting. Let
him return after taking stock of the cows. I
shall also accompany him and see to it
that none of us go anywhere near the

The king, over-persuaded as usual, said:
"Well, please yourselves." A heart full of
hate can know no contentment. Hate is a
cruel fire, which extorts the fuel, on which
it lives and grows.


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