DRAUPADI used to complain frequently:
"This Kamyaka forest is not beautiful
without Arjuna. I find no joy in life in the
absence of Arjuna."

The other Pandavas shared Draupadi's
wretchedness at separation from Arjuna,
who had gone to the Himalayas in quest
of divine weapons.

Bhimasena told Draupadi: "Blessed lady, I
myself feel the same about Arjuna and
what you say makes me thrill with love
and sympathy. Bereft of Arjuna, this
beautiful forest seems desolate. My mind
can know no peace without seeing Arjuna.
Sahadeva, how do you feel?"

Sahadeva said: "This hermitage seems to
be empty without Arjuna. We shall try
whether a change of scene will help us to
bear the pain of separation better."

Yudhishthira addressing his priest
Dhaumya said: "I have sent my younger
brother Arjuna to win divine weapons.
That dauntless and dexterous hero has not
yet returned. We have sent him to the
Himalayas to get from Indra, the king of
gods, weapons with which we could
conquer Bhishma, Drona, Kripa and
Aswatthama, since it is certain that these
heroes will fight on the side of the sons of
Dhritarashtra. Karna knows the secret of
divine weapons, and his supreme wish is
to fight with Arjuna. I have sent Arjuna to
gain Indra's grace and get weapons from
him as the Kaurava heroes can be defeated
by no other means. Having sent him on a
very difficult errand, we cannot live here
happily, for we miss him in all our
accustomed haunts. I wish to go
the separation better. Can you suggest
where we could go?"

Dhaumya described many forests and holy
places. The Pandavas went the round of
those places to relieve themselves to some
extent from the pangs of separation.

They spent many years in this pilgrimage
and in listening to the traditions, which
sanctified each shrine. Draupadi would
often feel exhausted by having to traverse
mountains and forests. Bhima, sometimes
helped by his son Ghalotkacha, would
serve and encourage them and make their
labors easy.

In the course of their wanderings through
the Himalayan regions they came to a
terrible forest where the path was rugged
and steep.

Yudhishthira was worried and told Bhima
that the way would greatly distress
Draupadi but that he himself would go on
accompanied by Nakula and the sage

He suggested that Bhima and Sahadeva
should stay behind at Gangadwara with
Draupadi. Bhima would not agree. He
said that the pain of separation from
Arjuna ought to have taught his brother
how much he would suffer if he were
parted from Sahadeva, Draupadi and

Besides, Bhima could not leave
Yudhishthira alone in this forest infested
with Rakshasas, demons and wild
animals. The way was hard, but he could
easily carry Draupadi across the most
difficult parts of it. He could carry Nakula
and Sahadeva also.

When Bhima said these words,
Yudhishthira embraced him and blessed
him and wished him an increase of
physical strength. Draupadi smiled and
said, addressing Yudhishthira: "No one
need carry me. I can walk. Do not be
anxious about me."

They reached Kulinda, the kingdom of
Subahu, on the Himalayas. They accepted
the honors rendered to them by that king
and rested there awhile. Later on, they
went to the charming forest of
Narayanasrama and halted there.

One day, a breeze that blew from the
northeast wafted a beautiful flower near
Draupadi. Draupadi took it in her hands
and was so charmed with its fragrance and
beauty that she showed it rapturously to

"Come and see this flower. What a sweet
fragrance! How charming! I shall hand
this over to Yudhishthira. Bring some
flowers of this kind. We should grow this
plant in our Kamyaka forest." Draupadi
ran to give the flower to Yudhishthira.

Anxious to please his beloved Draupadi,
Bhima went in quest of that plant. He
went alone in the direction from which the
fragrance seemed to be borne by the
breeze, without wasting a thought on the
wild beasts that crossed his path.

He presently came to a garden of plantain
trees at the foot of a mountain, and there
he saw a huge monkey shining like
blazing fire, which lay right across his
path blocking it.

He tried to frighten the animal out of his
way by shouting at it. It only half opened
its eyes lazily and drawled: "I am
indisposed and so I am lying here. Why
lid you wake me? You are a wise human
being and I am mere animal. It is proper
that the rational man should show mercy
to animals as interior creatures. I am
afraid you are ignorant of right and
wrong. Who are you? Whither are you
bound? It is not possible to go further
along this mountain path which is the path
of the gods. Men cannot cross this limit.
Eat what you like of the fruits of this place
and if you are wise, go back in peace."

Bhima, unused to being taken so lightly,
grew angry and shouted: "Who are you,
yourself, you monkey, that indulges in
such tall talk? I am a kshatriya hero, a
descendant of the Kuru race and a son of
Kunti. Know that I am the son of the
Wind god. Now move away from the path
or stop me at your peril."

Hearing these words the monkey merely
smiled and said: "I am, as you say, a
monkey, but you will come to destruction
if you try to force a way."

Bhima said: "I do not want your advice
and it is no concern of yours if I go to
destruction. Get up and move out of the
way or I will make you."

The monkey replied: "I have no strength
to stand up, being but a very old monkey.
If you have to go at any cost, jump over

Bhima said: "Nothing could be easier but
the scriptures forbid it. Otherwise I should
jump over you and the mountain in one
bound, like Hanuman crossing the ocean."

The monkey remarked as though in
surprise: "O best of men, who is that
Hanuman who crossed the ocean? If you
know his story, enlighten me."

Bhima roared and said: "Have you not
heard of Hanuman, my elder brother, who
crossed the ocean, a hundred yojanas in
breadth, to seek and find Sita, the wife of
Rama? I am equal to him in strength and
heroism. Well, that is enough talk, now
get up and make way and do not provoke
me to do you some harm."

The monkey answered: "O mighty hero,
be patient. Be gentle as you are strong,
and have mercy on the old and weak. I
have no strength to rise up as I am
decrepit with age. Since you have scruples
in jumping over me, kindly move aside
my tail and make a path for yourself."

Proud of his immense strength, Bhima
thought to pull the monkey out of the way
by its tail. But, to his amazement he could
not move it in the least, though he exerted
all his strength.

He set his jaws and strained every muscle
till the very sinews cracked and he was
covered with perspiration. But, still, could
not move that tail the least, a little bit up
or down or sideways. In shame, he bent
down his head, and then asked in a
chastened mood:

"Who are you? Forgive me and reveal to
me whether you are a Siddha, god or
Gandharva." Bhima like most strong men,
was all respect when he saw one stronger
than himself, and spoke like a pupil
addressing his master.

Hanuman replied: "O mighty-armed
Pandava, know that I am your brother,
even that Hanuman, the son of the Wind
god, whom you mentioned a little while
ago. If you go on this path, which is the
road to the spirit-world where the Yakshas
and the Rakshasas abide, you will meet
with danger and that is why I stop you. No
man can go beyond this and live. But here
is the stream with its depths where you
can find the Saugandhika plant you came
to seek."

Bhima was transported with delight: "I
count myself the most fortunate of men in
that I have been blessed to meet my
brother. I wish to see the form in which
you crossed the ocean," and he prostrated
before Hanuman.

Hanuman smiled and began to increase
the size of his body and stood forth firmly
to the world like a mountain seeming to
fill the landscape.

Bhima was thrilled at actually seeing that
divine form of this elder brother, the mere
description of which had till then filled
him with wonder. He covered his eyes,
unable to bear the dazzling light radiating
from that figure.

Hanuman said: "Bhima, in the presence of
my enemies, my body can grow still
more." And Hanuman contracted his
body, resuming his former size. He
tenderly embraced Bhimasena.

Bhagavan Vyasa says that Bhima felt
completely refreshed and became much
stronger than before by the embrace of

Hanuman said: "O hero, go to your abode.
Think of me whenever you are in need. I
felt the same delight when I embraced you
that I had in times of yore when I was
fortunate enough to touch the divine body
of Sri Rama. Ask any boon that you like."

Bhima said: "Blessed are the Pandavas for
I have had the good fortune to see you.
Inspired with your strength we are sure to
conquer our enemies."

Hanuman gave this parting blessing to his
"While you roar like a lion in the
battlefield, my voice shall join yours and
strike terror into the hearts of your
enemies. I shall be present on the flag of
the chariot of your brother Arjuna. You
will be victorious."

Hanuman pointed out to Bhima the stream
nearby, where grew the Saugandhika
flowers he had come to seek.

This put Bhima at once in mind of
Draupadi who was waiting for his return,
and he collected the flowers and returned
to her without delay.


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