DHRITARASHTRA, hearing of the
slaughter of his sons and the check
received by Karna, was desolate. "O
Sanjaya, like moths falling in the fire, my
sons are being destroyed. The stubborn
Duryodhana has led the lads Durmukha
and Durjaya, to their doom. Alas, I have
lost these boys! The fool said: 'Karna,
unrivalled among men for courage and the
accomplishment of war, is on our side.
Who then can defeat us? Even the gods
cannot win a battle against me when
Karna is on my side. What can these
Pandavas do to me?' But now he has seen
Karna beating a retreat when Bhimasena
attacked him. Has he seen wisdom at least
now? Alas, Sanjaya, my son has earned
the undying hatred of the son of Vayu,
Bhima, who has the strength of the god of
death! We are indeed ruined!"

Sanjaya replied: "O king, was it not you
who brought about this unquenchable
hatred, listening to the words of your
foolish and stubborn son? To you indeed
must be traced this greater disaster. You
are now but reaping the fruit of your
discarding the advice of Bhishma and the
other elders. Blame yourself, king. Do not
blame Karna and the brave warriors who
have done their best in battle."
After thus admonishing the blind king,
Sanjaya proceeded to tell him what
happened. Five sons of Dhritarashtra,
Durmarsha, Dussaha, Durmata, Durdhara
and Jaya, when they saw Karna put to
flight by Bhima at once rushed on the

When Karna saw this, he was heartened
and turned back to resume his attack.
Bhimasena at first ignored the sons of
Dhritarashtra and concentrated on Karna.
But they became so violent in their assault
that Bhima got incensed and, turning his
attentions on them, disposed of all five of
them. They lay dead on the field, with
their horses and their charioteers.

The young warriors with their bleeding
wounds presented the appearance of a
forest with trees, uprooted by a strong
wind and lying flat on the ground with
their beautiful red blossoms.

When Karna saw another batch of princes
slaughtered for his sake he fought more
grimly than ever before. Bhima too was
more violent than before, thinking of all
the evil that Karna had wrought against
the Pandavas.

He used his bow so as to disarm Karna
completely. His horses and charioteer
were also laid low. Karna now jumped
down from his chariot and hurled his
mace at Bhima.

But Bhima warded it off with shafts from
his powerful bow and covered Karna with
a shower of arrows and forced him to turn
back and walk on foot.

Duryodhana, who watched this combat,
was greatly grieved and sent seven of his
brothers Chitra, Upachitra, Chitraksha,
Charuchitra, Sarasana, Chitrayudha and
Chitravarman, to relieve Radheya.
They gave battle to Bhima displaying
great skill and energy. But fell dead one
after another, for Bhima's passion was
roused and his attack was irresistible.

When Karna saw so many of the sons of
Dhritarashtra sacrificing themselves for
him, his face was wet with tears and he
mounted a fresh chariot and began to
attack Bhima with deadly effect.
The two combatants clashed like clouds in
a thunderstorm. Kesava, Satyaki and
Arjuna were filled with admiration and
joy as they watched Bhima fighting.

Bhurisravas, Kripacharya, Aswatthama,
Salya, Jayadratha and many other warriors
of the Kaurava army also broke into
exclamations, astonished at the way in
which Bhima fought.

Duryodhana was stung to the quick and
burned with anger. Karna's plight caused
him extreme anxiety. He feared Bhima
would kill Radheya that day, and sent
seven more of his brothers directing them
to surround Bhima and attack him

The seven brothers sent by Duryodhana
attacked Bhima. But fell one after another,
struck down by his arrows. Vikarna, who
was killed last, was beloved of all.
When Bhima saw him fall dead after a
brave fight, he was deeply moved and
exclaimed: "Alas, O Vikarna, you were
just and knew what was dharma! You
fought in loyal obedience to the call of
duty. I had to kill even you. Indeed this
battle is a curse upon us wherein men like
you and the grandsire Bhishma have had
to be slaughtered."

Seeing Duryodhana's brothers, who came
to help him, slain one after another in this
manner, Karna was overwhelmed by
anguish. He leant back on his seat in the
chariot and closed his eyes unable to bear
the sight.

Then recovering control over his emotions
he hardened his heart and began again his
attack on Bhima. Bow after bow was
broken up by Bhimasena's shaft, but
Karna kept the battle.

Eighteen times he had to take up a fresh
bow. Karna had long ago discarded his
smile and his face showed savage anger
even as Bhima's. They now glared fiercely
at each other as they fought.

Yudhishthira now heard Bhima's roar rise
above the tumult of battle, and heartened
by it, he fought Drona with increased

In the renewed and fierce battle between
Bhima and Karna, Bhima lost his horses
and charioteer. Soon his chariot also was
smashed to pieces. Then, Bhima hurled
his spear at Karna who was in his chariot
and as Karna parried it with his shaft,
Bhima advanced with sword and shield.

But Karna broke the shield at once with
his shafts. Then, Bhima whirled his sword
and hurled it, and it cut Karna's bow into
two and fell on the ground. But Karna
took up yet another bow and assailed
Bhima with arrows more fiercely than

Bhima, in a fit of uncontrollable rage,
sprang upon Karna. Radheya took cover
behind his flagstaff and escaped
destruction. Thereupon, Bhima jumped
out of Karna's car down into the field of
battle where, deprived of all arms, he used
the elephants lying dead on the ground to
protect himself from Karna's arrows and
continued the fight.

He picked up anything he could lay hands
upon, wheels of broken chariots, the limbs
of horses and elephants that were lying
about, and hurling them at Karna, kept
him engaged without interval. But this
could not long continue and Bhima was
soon at a great disadvantage. Karna said

"Foolish glutton, you do not know the
science of war; why do you engage
yourself in battle here? Go to the jungle
and fill yourself with fruits and roots and
grow fat. You are a savage, not fit for
kshatriya battle. Get away!" Hurling
insulting taunts at him, he made the
helpless Bhima burn with rage, but
mindful of his word to Kunti, refrained
from killing him.

"There, Arjuna! See how poor Bhima is
being harassed by Karna," said Krishna.
Dhananjaya's eyes burned red with wrath,
when he saw the plight of his valiant

He bent his Gandiva bow and discharged
his arrows on Karna who then gladly
turned his attentions from Bhima to
Arjuna. He had pledged his word to Kunti
not to kill more than one of the Pandavas
and he reserved that option for the great




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