"ARJUNA has not returned, nor has
Satyaki, who was sent after him. Bhima,
my fear grows. I hear the Panchajanya,
but not the twang of Arjuna's bowstring.
Satyaki, that bravest and most loyal of
friends, has not come back with any
tidings. My anxiety is increasing every
moment," said Yudhishthira to Bhima in
great perplexity of mind.

"I have never seen you so agitated,"
replied Bhimasena. "Do, not let your
fortitude grow less. Command me as you
please. Do not let the wheels of your mind
stick in the mud of anxiety."

"Dearest Bhima, I fear your brother has
been slain, and it seems to me Madhava
has now himself taken up arms. I hear the
conch of Madhava but I hear not the
resounding twang of Gandiva. I fear
Dhananjaya, the unrivalled hero, in whom
were centerd all our hopes, has been
killed. My mind is confused. If you would
do as I tell you, go at once to where
Arjuna is. Join him and Satyaki, and do
what needs to be done, and come back.

Satyaki, under orders from me, pierced
the Kaurava ranks and proceeded in the
direction of Arjuna. You go now, and do
likewise and, if you indeed see them alive,
I shall know it by your lion-roar."

"My Lord, do not grieve. I shall go and let
you know they are safe," said Bhima, and
immediately turning to Dhrishtadyumna
said: "Panchala, you know very well that
Drona is seeking, by some means or other,
to seize Dharmaputra alive. Our foremost
duty is to protect the King. But I must also
obey him and fulfil his command. And so
I go, trusting him to your care."

"Bhima, do not be concerned. Go with an
assured mind. Drona cannot take
Yudhishthira without first killing me,"
said the heroic son of Drupada, sworn
enemy of Drona. And Bhima hurried

The Kauravas surrounded Bhima in full
force and vowed to prevent him from
going to Arjuna's relief. But like a lion
scattering less noble beasts he put his
enemies to flight, killing no less than
eleven of the sons of Dhritarashtra. Bhima
then approached Drona himself. "Stop,"
cried Drona. "Here I am, your enemy.

You cannot proceed further without
defeating me. Your brother Arjuna went
in with my consent. But I cannot let you
go." Drona spoke thus believing that he
would receive the same courtesy from
Bhima as he did from Arjuna. But Bhima
was furious at hearing these words of
Drona, and answered scornfully.

"Oh brahmana, it was not with your
permission that Arjuna went. He broke
your resistance and pierced your battle
lines fighting his way through, but he did
not hurt you out of pity. But I shall not,
like Arjuna, show mercy to you. I am your
enemy. Once upon a time, you were our
preceptor and were like a father to us. We
respected you as such. Now, you have
yourself said you are our enemy. May it
be so!" Saying this, Bhima aimed his
mace at Drona's chariot that crumbled to
pieces. And Drona had to take to another

The second chariot too was broken to
pieces. And Bhima forced his way
through overcoming all opposition. Drona
lost eight chariots that day. And the army
of the Bhojas, that tried to stop Bhima,
was completely destroyed.

He proceeded mowing down all
opposition and reached where Arjuna was
fighting Jayadratha's forces.

As soon as he saw Arjuna, Bhima roared
like a lion. Hearing that roar, Krishna and
Arjuna were exceedingly pleased and
raised yells of joy. Yudhishthira heard
these roars and, relieved of his doubts and
anxieties, he pronounced blessings on
Arjuna. And he thought within himself:

"Before the sun sets today, Arjuna's oath
will be fulfilled. He will slay the man who
caused Abhimanyu's death and will return
in triumph. Duryodhana may sue for
peace after Jayadratha's death. Seeing so
many of his brothers slain, it is possible
that foolish Duryodhana may see light.
The lives of numerous kings and great
warriors have been sacrificed on the field
of battle and even the stubborn and
narrow-visioned Duryodhana may now
see his fault and ask for peace. Will this
indeed happen? The great grandsire
Bhishma has been offered as a sacrifice.

Will this wicked enmity end with it and
shall we be saved from further cruel

While thus Yudhishthira was fondly
hoping and dreaming of peace, the battle
was raging with great fury where Bhima,
Satyaki and Arjuna were engaging the

Only the Lord knows through what travail
the world must evolve. His ways are




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