WHEN he learnt that Bhishma lay
wounded and dying, Karna hurried to the
place and fell at his feet and said:

"Eldest of the race. Radha's son, who,
through no fault of his, incurred your
great displeasure, humbly prostrates
himself before you."

When after humble salutation Karna stood
up, the grandsire, greatly moved, tenderly
placed his hand on Karna's head and
blessed him.

"You are not Radha's son, young man," he
said in loving tones: "You are Kuntidevi's
own first born. Narada, who knows all the
secrets of the world, himself revealed this
to me. Son of Surya, truly I entertained no
dislike for you. But I was grieved to see
your increasing hatred of the Pandavas
although they gave you no cause for it. I
know and admire your valor and your
open handedness. And I know also that
you belong to the class of Phalguna and
Krishna in prowess. It is proper that you
befriend the Pandavas. Therein lies the
right path for you who are their brother.
With the closing of my part in this war,
may the chapter of your enmity also close.
This is my wish, Karna."

Karna listened respectfully and replied:
"Grandsire I know I am Kunti's son, and
not charioteer born. But I have eaten
Duryodhana's salt and must be true to
him, to be true to my own lineage. It is
impossible for me to go over to the
Pandavas now. You must permit me to
repay with my life, if it so be the debt I
owe to Duryodhana for his love and trust.
I have erred greatly in word and deed.
You must forgive me for it all and give
me your blessings."

The great acharya, who knew all the laws
of right conduct and what Karna said,
replied: "Do reflect for a while and then
do as you wish, for that is the right way."

Even when Bhishma was mortally
wounded and lay dying, the battle did not
cease. Discarding the grandsire's words of
wisdom, the Kauravas resumed the battle.
Deprived of Bhishma's leadership, the
Kaurava forces felt like sheep without a
shepherd when Bhishma no longer led
them. Indeed, even as Bhishma fell
wounded, the men shouted:

"O Karna, you are the one left to lead and
protect us."

The Kaurava warriors felt that, if but
Karna would agree to take up the
command, victory was certain. During the
first ten days when Bhishma led the
forces, the son of Surya kept away from
the battle.

As already narrated, deeply hurt at the
grandsire's contempt, Karna had said: "So
long as you are up fighting, I shall keep
aloof. If you slay the Pandavas and bring
victory to Duryodhana, I shall be glad.
And I shall then, taking the king's leave,
go to the forest. But, if you be defeated
and go to the abode of the brave, I who
am not deemed by you as an adhiratha
(master of chariot warfare) will ride my
chariot and oppose those whom you deem
to be of greater prowess than myself. And
defeating them, bring victory to

Thus had Karna sworn and, with
Duryodhana's consent, kept aloof from the
battle during the first ten days. Now he
went on foot to Bhishma who lay on his
bed of arrows waiting for his end and,
saluting him, addressed him thus:

"Veteran grandsire, vanquisher of
Parasurama, you lie on the field of battle,
struck down by Sikhandin. If you, who
had reached the summit of right living and
were an embodiment of purity itself, must
lie wounded in this manner, it is clear that
no one can attain in this world what he
deserves by his merit. You were the one
boat on which the Kaurava princes
depended for crossing the flood of their
troubles. Heavy indeed will be the blows
that the Pandavas will now deal at the
Kauravas and  great will be their
consequent distress. Like fire and wind
burning down the forest, Arjuna and
Krishna will destroy the army of
Kauravas. This is certain. Turn your
gracious eyes on me and bless me, who
have accepted the command of the

Bhishma gave his blessings to
Karna."You are like the good earth to the
seeds, like rain clouds to living beings,
ever dependable, firm in your loyalty.
Serve Duryodhana and save him. You
vanquished the Kambojas for him. You
put down the Kiratas of the Himalayan
fastnesses for him. You fought the
Girivrajas on his behalf and defeated
them. Many more things you have
accomplished for him. Take charge of the
Kaurava army now as your own rich
possession and guard it well. May you
lead Duryodhana's forces to success! May
you have every good fortune! Fight your
enemies, go."

Karna, having received the benediction of
the grandsire, mounted his chariot and
rode to the battlefield. When the valorous
Karna entered the field on his war chariot,
Duryodhana's joys knew no bounds. His
sorrow, at having lost Bhishma, was in
some degree alleviated.




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