DURYODHANA, wounded all over and
suffering greatly, went to Bhishma and

"The battle had been going against us
every day. Our formations are broken and
our warriors are being slain in large
numbers. You are looking on doing

The grandsire soothed Duryodhana with
comforting words:

"Why do you let yourself be disheartened?
Here are all of us, Drona, Salya,
Kritavarma, Aswatthama, Vikarna,
Bhagadatta, Sakuni, the two brothers of
Avanti, the Trigarta chief, the king of
Magadha, and Kripacharya. When these
great warriors are here, ready to give up
their lives for you, why should you feel
downhearted? Get rid of this mood of

Saying this, he issued orders for the day.
"See there," the grandsire said to
Duryodhana. "These thousands of cars,
horses and horsemen, great war elephants,
and those armed foot soldiers from
various kingdoms are all ready to fight for
you. With this fine army, you can
vanquish even the gods. Fear not."
Thus cheering up the dejected
Duryodhana, he gave him a healing balm
for his wounds. Duryodhana rubbed it
over his numerous wounds and felt

He went to the field, heartened by the
grandsire's words of confidence. The army
was that day arrayed in circular formation.
With each war elephant were seven
chariots fully equipped.

Each chariot was supported by seven
horsemen. To each horseman were
attached ten shield bearers. Everyone
wore armor.

Duryodhana stood resplendent like Indra
at the center of this great and wellequipped
army. Yudhishthira arrayed the
Pandava army in vajravyuha. This day's
battle was fiercely fought simultaneously
at many sectors.

Bhishma personally opposed Arjuna's
attacks. Drona and Virata were engaged
with each other at another point.
Sikhandin and Aswatthama fought a big
battle at another sector.

Duryodhana and Dhrishtadyumna fought
with each other at yet another point.
Nakula and Sahadeva attacked their uncle
Salya. The Avanti kings opposed
Yudhamanyu, while Bhimasena opposed
Kritavarma, Chitrasena, Vikarna and

There were great battles between
Ghatotkacha and Bhagadatta, between
Alambasa and Satyaki, between
Bhurisravas and Dhrishtaketu, between
Yudhishthira and Srutayu and between
Chekitana and Kripa.

In the battle between Drona and Virata,
the latter was worsted and he had to climb
into the chariot of his son Sanga, having
lost his own chariot, horses and

Virata's sons Uttara and Sveta had fallen
in the first day's battle. On this seventh
day, Sanga also was slain just as his father
came up to his side. Sikhandin, Drupada's
son, was defeated by Aswatthama.

His chariot was smashed and he jumped
down and stood sword and shield in hand.
Aswatthama aimed his shaft at his sword
and broke it. Sikhandin then whirled the
broken sword and hurled it at Aswatthama
with tremendous force, but it was met by
Aswatthama's arrow.

Sikhandin, badly beaten, got into Satyaki's
chariot and retired. In the fight between
Satyaki and Alambasa, the former had the
worst of it at first but later recovered
ground and Alambasa had to flee.

In the battle between Dhrishtadyumna and
Duryodhana, the horses of the latter were
killed and he had to alight from his
chariot. He, however, continued the fight,
sword in hand. Sakuni came then and took
the prince away in his chariot.

Kritavarma made a strong attack on
Bhima but was worsted. He lost his
chariot and horses and acknowledging
defeat, fled towards Sakuni's car, with
Bhima's arrows sticking all over him,
making him look like a porcupine
speeding away in the forest.

Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti were
defeated by Yudhamanyu, and their
armies were completely destroyed.
Bhagadatta attacked Ghatotkacha and put
to flight all his supporters.

But, alone, Ghatotkacha stood and fought
bravely. But in the end, he too had to save
himself by flight, which gladdened the
whole Kaurava army.

Salya attacked his nephews. Nakula's
horses were killed and he had to join his
brother in the latter's chariot. Both
continued the fight from the same car.
Salya was hit by Sahadeva's arrow and
swooned. The charioteer skilfully drove
the car away and saved Salya.

When the Madra king (Salya) was seen
retreating from the field Duryodhana's
army lost heart and the twin sons of Madri
blew their conchs in triumph. Taking
advantage of the situation, they inflicted
heavy damage on Salya's forces.

At noon, Yudhishthira led an attack on
Srutayu. The latter's well-aimed arrows
intercepted Dharmaputra's missiles, and
his armor was pierced and he was severely

Yudhishthira then lost his temper and sent
a powerful arrow that pierced Srutayu's
breast-plate. That day, Yudhishthira was
not his normal self and burnt with anger.
Srutayu's charioteer and horses were
killed and the chariot was smashed and he
had to flee on foot from the field. This
completed the demorahsation of
Duryodhana's army.

In the attack on Kripa, Chekitana, losing
his chariot and charioteer, alighted and
attacked Kripa's charioteer and horses
with mace in hand and killed them.

Kripa also alighted, and standing on the
ground, discharged his arrows. Chekitana
was badly hit. He then whirled his mace
and hurled it at Kripacharya, but the latter
was able to intercept it with his own

Thereupon they closed with each other,
sword in hand. Both were wounded and
fell on the ground, when Bhima came and
took Chekitana away in his chariot.
Sakuni similarly took wounded Kripa
away in his car.

Ninety-six arrows of Dhrishtaketu struck
Bhurisravas. And the great warrior was
like a sun radiating glory, as the arrows,
all sticking in his breast-plate, shone
bright around his radiant face. Even in
that condition, he compelled Dhrishtaketu
to admit defeat and retire. Three of
Duryodhana's brothers attacked
Abhimanyu who inflicted a heavy defeat
on them but spared their lives, because
Bhima had sworn to kill them. Thereupon,
Bhishma attacked Abhimanyu.

Arjuna saw this and said to his illustrious
charioteer: "Krishna, drive the car towards

At that moment, the other Pandavas also
joined Arjuna. But the grandsire was able
to hold his own against all five until the
sunset, and the battle was suspended for
the day. And the warriors of both sides,
weary and wounded, retired to their tents
for rest and for having their injuries
attended to.

After this, for an hour, soft music was
played, soothing the warriors to their rest.
That hour was spent, says the poet,
without a word about war or hatred. It was
an hour of heavenly bliss, and it was a
glad sight to see. One can see herein what
the great lesson of the Mahabharata is.




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