AFTER defeating Susarma, king of
Trigarta, Virata returned to his capital
amidst the acclamations of the citizens.
When he reached his palace, he saw that
Uttara was not there and the womenfolk
told him with much elation that Uttara had
set out to conquer the Kauravas.

They had not a doubt that their hand some
prince could conquer the whole world.
But the king's heart sank within him at the
news, for he knew the impossible task
which the delicately nurtured prince had
taken on himself with no better following
than a eunuch.

"My dearly loved son must be dead by
now," he cried, overwhelmed with
anguish. He then bade his ministers
collect and send as strong a force as could
be got together for rescuing Uttara if he
was still alive and bring him back. Scouts
also were immediately despatched to find
out Uttara's whereabouts and fate.
Dharmaputra, now disguised as the
sanyasin Kanka, tried to comfort Virata by
assuring him that the prince could come to
no harm, since Brihannala had gone as his
charioteer. "You do not know about her,"
said he. "I do. Whosoever fights from a
chariot driven by her, can be sure of
victory. Further, the news of Susarma's
defeat must have reached there and the
Kauravas must have retreated."
Meanwhile courtiers arrived from the field
of battle with the glad news that Uttara
had defeated the Kaurava forces and
recovered the kine.

This seemed too good to be true, even to
the fond father, but Yudhishthira
smilingly reassured him. Said he: "Have
no doubts, O king. What the messengers
say must be true. When Brihannala went
out as charioteer, success was certain.
There is nothing extraordinary in your
son's victory. I happen to know that even
Indra's charioteer or Krishna's cannot
equal Brihannala."

This seemed absurd to Virata, but he was
too happy to resent it. He made large gifts
of precious stones and other wealth to the
messengers who brought the good news
and ordered public rejoicing. "My success
over Susarma is nothing," he proclaimed.

"The prince's is the real victory. Let
special prayers of thanksgiving be offered
at all places of worship. Let all the
principal streets are decorated with flags
and the citizen’s go in procession to
strains of triumphal music. Make all
arrangements to receive, in a befitting
manner, my lion-hearted boy."

Virata sent out ministers, soldiers, and
maidens to welcome his son, returning in
triumph. When the king retired to his
private apartments, he asked Sairandhri to
bring the dice. He said to Kanka: "I cannot
contain my joy. Come, let us play," and
sat down to a game with Yudhishthira.
They talked while they played and
naturally, the king was full of his son's
greatness and prowess. "See the glory of
my son, Bhuminjaya. He has put the
famed Kaurava warriors to flight."

"Yes," replied Yudhishthira with a smile.
"Your son is indeed fortunate for, without
the best of good fortune, how could he
have secured Brihannala to drive his

Virata was angry at this persistent
glorification of Brihannala at the expenses
of Uttara. "Why do you, again and again
babble about the eunuch?" he cried.

"While I am talking about my son's
victory, you expatiate on the charioteering
skill of the eunuch, as if that were of any
significance." The king's anger only
increased when Kanka remonstrated: "I
know what I am talking about. Brihannala
is no ordinary person. The chariot she
drives can never see defeat, and whoever
is in it, is sure of success in any
undertaking, no matter how difficult."

Now, this perverse flouting could not be
borne, and Virata in a passion flung the
dice at Yudhishthira's face and followed
this up with a blow on Yudhishthira's
cheek. Yudhishthira was hurt and blood
flowed down his face.

Sairandhri who was nearby, wiped the
blood with the edge of her garment and
squeezed it into a golden cup. "Why all
this fuss? What are you collecting the
blood into a cup for?" demanded the angry
king, who was still in a passion.

"A Sanyasin's blood may not be split on
the ground, O king," replied Sairandhri.
"The rains will fail in your land for as
many years as there are drops in the blood
that is split on the earth. That was why I
collected the blood in this cup. I fear you
do not know Kanka's greatness."

Meanwhile the gatekeeper announced:
"Uttara and Brihannala have arrived. The
prince is waiting for an audience with the
king." Virata got up excitedly and said:
"Ask him in, ask him in." And
Yudhishthira whispered to the sentry: "Let
Uttara come alone. Brihannala should stay

He did this to prevent a catastrophe, for he
knew Arjuna would be unable to control
his anger when he saw the injury on his
brother's face. He could not bear to see
Dharmaputra hurt by anyone except in fair

Uttara entered and paid due homage to his
royal father. When he turned to do
obeisance to Kanka be was horrified to
see his bleeding face, for now he knew
that Kanka was the great Yudhishthira.
"O king," he cried, "who was it that
caused hurt to this great one?"

Virata looked at his son and said: "Why
all this fuss about it? I struck him for
untimely and envious belittling of you
when I was in an ocean of delight at the
news of your glorious victory. Each time I
mentioned you, this unlucky brahmana
extolled your charioteer, the eunuch, and
gave the victory to him. It was too silly
really, and I am sorry I struck him, but it
is not worth talking about."

Uttara was overwhelmed with fear. "Alas!
You have done great wrong. Fall at his
feet right now, father, and pray
forforgiveness or we will be destroyed,
root and branch."

Virata, to whom all this was inexplicable,
stood with a puzzled frown not knowing
what to do. But Uttara was so anxious and
importunate that he yielded and bowed to
Yudhishthira asking for pardon.

Thereafter, embracing his son and making
him sit, Virata said: "My boy, you are
truly a hero. I am in a fever of impatience
to hear all about it. How did you defeat
the Kaurava army? How did you recover
the kine?"

Uttara hung his head down. "I conquered
no army," he said, "and rescued no cows.
All that was the work of a god prince. He
took up our cause, rescued me from
destruction, put the Kaurava soldiers to
flight and brought the herd back. I did

The king could hardly believe his ears.
"Where is that god prince?" he asked. "I
must see and thank the hero who rescued
my son and beat back my foes. I will give
my daughter, Uttara, in marriage to him.
Go and fetch him in."

"He has disappeared for the time being,"
replied the prince, "but I think he will
come again either today or tomorrow."
Uttara spoke thus because Arjuna was
indeed a prince of the gods and had also
for the time being disappeared in

In Virata's hall of assembly, all the
leading citizens had gathered to celebrate
the king's victory and the prince's. Kanka,
Valala the cook, Brihannala, Tantripala
and Dharmagranthi, who were responsible
for the victories, arrived also and entering
the hall, to the surprise of everyone, sat
among the princes unbid.

Some explained the conduct by saying
that, after all, these humbler folk had
rendered invaluable service at a critical
time and really deserved recognition.
Virata entered the court. On seeing Kanka
sanyasin and the cook and the others
seated in places reserved for princess and
the nobility the king lost his temper and
gave loud vent to his displeasure.
When they felt they had enough fun, the
Pandavas disclosed their identity to the
amazement of all present. Virata was
beside himself with joy to think that it was
the Pandava princes and Panchali who had
been ministering to him all these days in
disguise. He embraced Kanka in
exuberant gratitude and made a formal
surrender of his kingdom and his all to
him, of course immediately receiving
them back with thanks. Virata also
insisted that he should give his daughter in
marriage to Arjuna.

But Arjuna said: "No, that would not be
proper, for the princess learnt dancing and
music from me. I, as her teacher, am in
the position of father to her." He,
however, agreed to accept her for his son

Meanwhile, envoys arrived from the
wicked and treacherous Duryodhana with
a message for Yudhishthira. "O son of
Kunti," they said, "Duryodhana feels very
sorry that owing to the hasty action of
Dhananjaya, you have to go back to the
woods again. He let himself be recognised
before the end of the thirteenth year and
so, in accordance with your undertaking,
you have to dwell in the forest for another
twelve years."

Dharmaputra laughed and said:
"Messengers, return quickly to
Duryodhana and tell him to make further
inquiry. The venerable Bhishma and
others learned in the stars will no doubt
tell him that full thirteen years had been
completed before your forces heard again
the twang of Dhananjaya's bow and fled in




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