YUDHISHTHIRA put on the garb of a
sanyasin. Arjuna transformed himself into
a eunuch. Others also disguised
themselves. But no disguise could take
away their natural charm, grace and
nobility of appearance.

When they went to King Virata seeking
service, they seemed to him born to
command and rule rather than to serve. He
hesitated, at first, to engage them in
service but yielding to their urgent
solicitations, he finally appointed them to
the places they sought of him.

Yudhishthira became the king's
companion and spent his days in playing
dice with him. Bhima worked as the chief
of the cooks. He also entertained the king
by wrestling with the reputed men of
might whom came to the court, and by
controlling wild animals.

Arjuna assumed the name of Brihannala
and taught dancing, singing and
instrumental music to Princess Uttara, the
daughter of Virata, and the ladies. Nakula
looked after the horses and Sahadeva
looked after the cows and the bulls.

The princess Draupadi who, if fate had
been less cruel, should herself have been
served by many maids, had now to pass
her days in serving Sudeshna, Virata's
queen. She lived in the inner apartments
of the palace as maid and companion,
engaging herself in uncongenial tasks.

Kichaka, the brother of Sudeshna, was the
commander-in-chief of Virata's army and
it was to him that the old king Virata
owed his power and prestige. Kichaka
wielded such vast influence that people
used to say that Kichaka was the real king
of the Matsya country and old Virata king
only in name.

Kichaka was inordinately vain of his
strength and his influence over the king.
He was so smitten with Draupadi's beauty
that he conceived an uncontrollable
passion for her. And he was so sure of his
own attractions and power that it never
occurred to him that she, though a mere
maidservant could resist his will. He made
amorous overtures to her, which greatly
vexed her.

Draupadi was too shy to speak of this to
Sudeshna or to others. She gave out that
her husbands were Gandharvas who
would mysteriously kill those who tried to
dishonor her.

Her good conduct and lustre made every
one believe in her story about the
Gandharvas. But Kichaka was not to be
frightened so easily and he sought
persistently to seduce Draupadi.
His persecution became so intolerable that
at last she complained of it to Queen
Sudeshna, and implored her protection.

Kichaka, of course, had greater influence
over his sister, and he shamelessly
confided to her his unlawful passion for
her maid and sought her aid to compass
his wish.

He represented himself as dying of desire.
"I am so full of torment," he said, "that
from the time I met your maid, I do not
get any sleep or rest. You must save my
life by managing somehow to make her
receive my advances favorably." The
queen tried to dissuade him but Kichaka
would not listen. And finally Sudeshna
yielded. Both of them decided upon a plan
to entrap Draupadi.

One night, many sweetmeats and
intoxicating drinks were prepared in the
house of Kichaka and a great feast was
arranged. Sudeshna called Sairandhri to
her side and handing her a beautiful
golden jug bade her go and bring her a jug
of wine from Kichaka's house.

Draupadi hesitated to go to the house of
the infatuated Kichaka at that hour and
begged hard that someone else of her
many attendants might be sent, but
Sudeshna did not listen. She pretended to
be angry and said sharply: "Go, you must.
I can not send anyone else," and poor
Draupadi had to obey.

Draupadi's fears were justified. When she
reached Kichaka's house, that wretch,
maddened with lust and wine, began to
pester her with urgent entreaties and

She rejected his prayers and said: "Why
do you, who belong to a noble royal
family, seek me, born of a low caste?
Why do you take to the wrong path? Why
do you approach me, a married lady? You
will perish. My protectors, the
Gandharvas, will kill you in their anger."

When Draupadi would not yield to his
entreaties, Kichaka seized her by the arm
and pulled her about. But putting down
the vessel she carried, she wrenched
herself free and fled, hotly pursued by the
maddened Kichaka.

She fled to the court wailing loudly. But
even there, intoxicated not only with
wine, but even more by his power and
influence, Kichaka followed her and
kicked her in the presence of all with
abusive words.

Everyone was afraid of the all-powerful
commander-in-chief and no one was bold
enough to oppose him.
Draupadi could not bear the sorrow and
anger she felt at the thought of her
helplessness under the intolerable insult
offered to her.

Her deep distress made her forget the
danger that would befall the Pandavas if
they were discovered prematurely. She
went that night to Bhima and waking him
up, gave vent to her agonized sense of

After telling him how brutally Kichaka
had pursued and insulted her, she
appealed piteously to Bhima for
protection and revenge. She said in a
voice choked with sobs:

"I cannot bear this any longer. You must
kill this wretch at once. For your sake, to
help you keep your promise, I serve in a
menial office and even prepare sandal
paste for Virata. I have not minded it, I,
who have till now served only you or
Mother Kunti, whom I love and honor.

But now, I have to serve these wretches,
fearful every moment of some disgraceful
outrage. Not that I mind hard work, see
my hands." And she showed her hands,
which were cracked and stained with
menial tasks.

Bhima respectfully carried her hands to
his face and eyes, and speechless with
sorrow and pity and love, he dried her
tears. Finally he found his voice, and said

"I care not for the promise of Yudhishthira
or the advice of Arjuna. I care not what
may happen but I will do as you say. I will
kill Kichaka and his gang here and now!"
and he rose.

But Draupadi warned Bhima not to be
hasty. They talked it over and finally
decided that Kichaka should be beguiled
to come alone at night to a retired spot in
the dancing hall where he should find
waiting for him Bhima disguised as a
woman, instead of Draupadi.

Next morning, Kichaka renewed his
hateful attentions and vaingloriously said
to Draupadi: "O Sairandhri, I threw you
down and kicked you in the presence of
the king. Did any one there come forward
to help you? Virata is only king in name
of this Matsya country. But I, the
commander-in-chief, am the real
sovereign. Now, do not be a fool, but
come and enjoy life with me, with all
royal honors. I shall be your devoted
servant." And he begged and bullied and
cringed, devouring her the while with lustreddened

Draupadi pretended to yield and said:
"Kichaka, believe me, I can no longer
resist your solicitations. But none of your
companions or brothers should know of
our relations. If you swear that you will
faithfully keep the secret from others, I
shall yield to your wish."

Kichaka delightedly agreed to the
condition and he promised to go alone to a
place of assignation that very night.

She said: "The women have their dancing
lessons during daytime in the dancing hall
and return to their own quarters at
nightfall. None will be in the dancing hall
at night. Come there tonight. I shall be
waiting for you there. You can have your
will of me."

Kichaka reveled in happiness. That night,
Kichaka took his bath, perfumed and
decked himself, went to the dancing hall
and finding with joy that the doors were
open, gently entered the place.

In the very dim light, he saw someone
lying there on a couch, no doubt
Sairandhri. He groped his way in the dark,
and gently laid his hands on the person of
the sleeper.

Alas! It was not the soft form of
Sairandhri that he touched but the iron
frame of Bhima who lept forth on him like
a lion on its prey and hurled him to the
ground. But surprised as he was, Kichaka
was no coward, and he was now fighting
for dear life.

Grimly they wrestled, Kichaka no doubt
thinking he had to do with one of the
Gandharva husbands. They were not ill
matched, for at that time Bhima, Balarama
and Kichaka were reputed to be in the
same class in strength and wrestling skill.
The struggle between Bhima and Kichaka
was like that between Vali and Sugriva. In
the end Bhima killed Kichaka, pounding
and kneading his body into a shapeless
lump of flesh.

Then he gave the glad news of Kichaka's
punishment to Draupadi and went in haste
to his kitchen, bathed, rubbed sandal paste
over his body and slept with satisfaction.
Draupadi awoke the guards of the court
and said to them: "Kichaka came to
molest me, but as I had warned him, the
Gandharvas, my husbands, made short
work of him. Your commander-in-chief,
who fell a prey to lust, has been killed.
Look at him." And she showed them the
corpse of Kichaka, which had been
reduced to such a shapeless mass that it
had no human semblance.


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