YUDHISHTHIRA was plunged in
sorrow. "He has gone to the sleep that
knows no waking, he who in battle
overcame Drona, Aswatthama and
Duryodhana and who was like a
destroying fire to enemy forces. O warrior
that made Duhsasana flee in fear, are you
dead? What then is there for me to fight
for or win? Why do we want kingdom
now? What words of comfort can I offer
to Arjuna? And what shall I say to
Subhadra, quivering like a cow bereaved
of her calf? How can I utter to them vain
words of solace that serve no purpose?

Truly, ambition destroys the
understanding of men. Like the fool who,
looking for honey, falls into a precipitous
pit below and is destroyed, in my desire
for victory I pushed to the battlefront this
boy, whose life was all before him in love
and joy. There is no fool like me in the
world. I have killed Arjuna's beloved son,
instead of protecting him during the
absence of his father."

Thus was Yudhishthira lamenting in
histent. Around him were sitting warriors,
silent in sorrowful thought of the valor of
the youthful hero and his cruel death. It
was always the custom with Vyasa to
come and comfort the Pandavas,
whenever they were in great sorrow.

He was their great teacher as well as
grandsire. So he appeared now before
Yudhishthira. The sage was received with
all honor and Yudhishthira, having made
him sit, said: "I have tried very hard to
find peace of mind, but I am unable to
find it."

"You are wise and a knower," said Vyasa,
"and it is not meet that you should allow
yourself to be lost in grief in this manner.
Knowing the nature of death, it is not right
that you should grieve like the unlearned."
Vyasa proceeded to console the bereaved
Dharmaputra: "When Brahma created
living beings, he was filled with anxiety.

These lives will multiply and soon their
number will be beyond the capacity of the
earth to bear. There seems to be no way of
coping with this. This thought of Brahma
grew into a flame which became bigger
and bigger until it threatened to destroy all
creation at once. Then Rudra came and
pleaded for allaying this destructive fire.

Brahma controlled the great fire and
subdued it into the law that is known to
mortals as Death. This law of the creator
takes many forms, such as war or sickness
or accident and keeps the balance between
birth and death. Death is thus an
inescapable law of existence, ordained for
the good of the world. It is not true
wisdom to be impatient with Death or to
grieve immoderately for those who die.
There is no reason to pity those who pass
away. We may have reason indeed to
grieve for those who remain." After
saying these words of solace, Krishna
Dwaipayana retired.

Dhananjaya and Krishna were proceeding
towards their camp after defeating and
slaying the samsaptakas.

"Govinda, I do not know why," said
Arjuna, "but my mind is not at ease. My
mouth feels parched and my heart is
troubled with a great foreboding of loss. I
wonder if any calamity has happened to
Yudhishthira. Something makes me
afraid, Krishna."

"Do not be concerned about
Yudhishthira," replied Krishna."He and
your other brothers are safe." On the way,
they halted and did the evening prayers.
Remounting the chariot, they proceeded to
the camp. As they approached the camp,
Arjuna's premonitions of calamity

"Janardana, we do not hear the usual
auspicious music in the camp. The
soldiers, seeing me from a distance, hang
down their heads and avoid my sight. This
is strange behavior on their part. O
Madhava, I fear greatly. Do you think my
brothers are safe? I am confused. How is
it Abhimanyu does not run out to meet us
today as usual, accompanied by his

They entered the camp.

"Why are you all wearing sad faces? I do
not see Abhimanyu here. How is it I see
no glad faces? I understood that Drona
arrayed his army in the lotus formation.
No one among you could pierce it as far
as I know. Did Abhimanyu force his way
in? If so, he is dead, for I did not teach
him how to make his way out of that
formation. Has he been slain indeed?"
When their mournful silence, and
downcast eyes, that dared not meet his,
had confirmed his worst fears, the
bereaved father burst into heart-broken

"Alas, has my dear boy indeed become
Yama's guest? Yudhishthira, Bhimasena,
Dhrishtadyumna and great Satyaki have
all of you allowed the son of Subhadra to
be slain by the enemy? Alas! What
comfort shall I give to Subhadra? What
shall. I say to Draupadi? And what solace
can be given to Uttara and who shall give

Vasudeva spoke to his stricken friend.
"Beloved Arjuna," he said, "do not give
way thus to grief. Born as kshatriyas we
have to live and die by weapons. Death is
ever the companion of those who have
taken up the profession of arms and go
into battle, determined not to retreat.
Warriors must be ever ready to die young.
Abhimanyu, boy as he was, has attained
the happy regions above which grey
haired veterans yearn to reach in battle.
Abhimanyu's end is indeed the prescribed
and much desired goal of all kshatriyas. If
you give way to grief in this inordinate
way, your brothers and other kings will
lose heart. Stop grieving and infuse
courage and fortitude into the hearts of the

Dhananjaya desired to be told the full
story of his brave son's end and
Yudhishthira related it: "I incited
Abhimanyu to enter the enemy's
formation. For I knew that he alone could
do it among all of us. 'Make your way into
the lotus array and we shall follow
immediately behind you. This great deed
of yours will please the hearts of your
father and your uncle,' I said. The youthful
hero did accordingly and broke the great
formation and made his way in. We went
behind him according to plan. But, just
then, the wicked Jayadratha came and
effectively stopped us. He caused the
breach in the formation to be closed up at
once and we found ourselves unable to
follow Abhimanyu. The Sindhu kept us
out, and then, Oh, shame on kshatriyas
who could do this! A crowd of
redoubtable warriors hemmed him in, thus
isolated, and slew him."

When he heard the full story, Arjuna was
again over whelmed by grief and he fell
on the ground in a swoon.

When he recovered, he took an oath:

"Before sunset tomorrow, I shall slay this
Jayadratha who caused my son's death. If
Drona and Kripa come between him and
me these acharyas also shall be
overwhelmed and slain!"

Saying this, he twanged the Gandiva
string, and Krishna blew the Panchajanya.

And Bhima said:

"This twang of Arjuna's bow and this
blare of Krishna's conch shall be, unto the
sons of Dhritarashtra, the summons of




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