THE Pandava army, having fared badly
on the first day of the battle,
Dhrishtadyumna, the Generalissimo,
devised measures to avoid a repetition of
it. On the second day, the army was most
carefully arrayed and everything was done
to instil confidence.

Duryodhana, filled with conceit on
account of the success on the first day,
stood in the center of his army and
addressed his warriors.
"Heroes in armor", he said in a loud voice,
"our victory is assured. Fight and care not
for life."
The Kaurava army, led by Bhishma, again
made strong attack on the Pandava forces
and broke their formation, killing large

Arjuna, turning to Krishna, his charioteer,
said: "If we continue in this way, our army
will soon be totally destroyed by the
grandsire. Unless we slay Bhishma, I am
afraid we can not save our army."
"Dhananjaya, then get ready. There is the
grandsire's chariot," replied Krishna, and
drove straight towards him.

The chariot sped forward at a great pace.
The grandsire sent his shafts welcoming
the challenge. Duryodhana had ordered
his men to protect the grandsire most
vigilantly and never to let him expose
himself to danger.

Accordingly, all the warriors, supporting
the grandsire, at once intervened and
attacked Arjuna who, however, fought on

It was well known that there were but
three on the Kaurava side who could stand
against Arjuna with any chance of success
the grandsire Bhishma, Drona and Karna.
Arjuna made short work of the warriors,
who intervened in support of Bhishma.
The way in which he wielded his great
bow on this occasion, extorted the
admiration of all the great generals in the
army. His chariot flashed hither and
thither sundering hostile ranks like forked
lightning, so rapidly that the eye ached to
follow its career.

Duryodhana's heart beat fast as he
watched this combat. His confidence in
the great Bhishma began to be shaken.
"Son of Ganga," Duryodhana said, "it
seems as if even while you and Drona are
alive and fighting, this irresistible
combination of Arjuna and Krishna will
destroy our entire army. Karna whose
devotion and loyalty to me are most
genuine stands aside and does not fight for
me only because of you. I fear I shall be
deceived and you will not take steps
quickly to destroy Phalguna (Arjuna)."
The gods came down to watch the combat
between Bhishma and Arjuna. These were
two of the greatest warriors on earth. Both
chariots were drawn by white steeds.
From either side flew arrows in countless
number. Shaft met shaft in the air and
sometimes the grandsire's missile hit
Arjuna's breast and that of Madhava
(Krishna). And the blood flowing made
Madhava more beautiful than ever as he
stood like a green palasa tree in full bloom
with crimson flowers.

Arjuna's wrath rose when he saw his dear
charioteer hit and he pulled his bow and
sent well-aimed arrows at the grandsire.
The combatants were equal and the battle
raged for a long while.

In the movements the chariots made they
were so close to one another and moved
about so fast that it was not possible to say
where Arjuna was and where Bhishma.
Only the flag could be distinguished.
As this great and wonderful scene was
enacted in one part of the field, at another
place a fierce battle was being fought
between Drona and his born enemy
Dhrishtadyumna, the son of the king of
the Panchalas and brother of Draupadi.
Drona's attack was powerful and
Dhrishtadyumna was wounded badly. But
the latter retaliated with equal vigor and
with a grin of hatred he shot arrows and
sped other missiles at Drona.
Drona defended himself with great skill.
He parried the sharp missiles and the
heavy maces hurled at him with his
arrows and broke them to pieces even as
they sped in the air.

Many times did Dhrishtadyumna's bow
break, hit by Drona's arrows. One of
Drona's arrows killed the Panchala
prince's charioteer. Thereupon
Dhrishtadyumna took up a mace and,
jumping down from the chariot, went
forward on foot.

Drona sent an arrow that brought the mace
down. Dhrishtadyumna then drew his
sword and rushed forward like a lion
springing on its elephant prey. But Drona
again disabled him and prevented his

Just then Bhima, who saw the Panchala's
predicament, sent a shower of arrows on
Drona and carried Dhrishtadyumna to
safety in his chariot.

Duryodhana who saw this sent the
Kalinga forces against Bhimasena. Bhima
killed the Kalinga warriors in great
number. Like Death itself he moved about
among his enemies and felled them to the
ground. So fierce was the destruction that
the entire army trembled in fear.

When Bhishma saw this, he came to
relieve the Kalingas. Satyaki, Abhimanyu
and other warriors came up in support of
Bhima. One of Satyaki's shafts brought
Bhishma's charioteer down and the horses
of Bhishma's chariot, left uncontrolled,
bolted carrying Bhishma away from the

The Pandava army was wild with
enthusiasm when Bhishma's chariot sped
thus out of the field. They took advantage
of the situation and made a fierce attack
on the Kaurava army.

Great was the loss the Kaurava army
suffered in that day's battle as a result of
Arjuna's deeds of valor. The generals of
the Kaurava army were greatly perturbed
and their previous day's enthusiasm had
all disappeared.

They eagerly looked forward to sunset
when there would be an end to the day's
battle. As the sun sank in the west,
Bhishma said to Drona: "It is well we stop
the fighting now. Our army is
disheartened and weary."

On the side of the Pandavas, Dhananjaya
and others returned in great cheer to their
camp, with bands playing. At the end of
the second day's battle, the Kauravas were
in the mood that the Pandavas were in the
previous evening.




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