AT THE sight of Vidura, Yudhishthira
anxiously inquired: "Why are you so
cheerless? Is it well with all our relations
in Hastinapura? Are the king and the
princes well?"

Vidura acquainted him with his mission:
"Everyone in Hastinapura is well. How
fares it with you all? I have come to invite
you on behalf of King Dhritarashtra to
come and see the newly erected hall of
games. A beautiful hall has been erected
there even like yours. The king would like
you to come with your brothers, see
everything, have a game of dice and
return to your capital."

Yudhishthira seemed to ask counsel of
Vidura: "Wagering games create quarrels
among kshatriyas. A wise man will avoid
them if he can. We are ever abiding by
your advice. What would you have us

Vidura replied: "Everyone is aware that
the playing of dice is the root of many
evils. I did my best to oppose this idea.
Still the king has commanded me to invite
you and I have come. You may do as you

Despite this warning, Yudhishthira went
to Hastinapura with his brothers and
retinue. It may be asked why the wise
Yudhishthira responded to the invitation.

Three reasons may be given. Men rush
consciously on their ruin impelled by lust,
gambling and drink. Yudhishthira was
fond of gambling. The kshatriya tradition
made it a matter of etiquette and honor not
to refuse an invitation to a game of dice.
There is a third reason too. True to the
vow he took at the time Vyasa had warned
him of the quarrels that would arise
leading to destruction of the race.

Yudhishthira would not give any occasion
for displeasure or complaint by refusing
the invitation of Dhritarashtra.

These causes conspired with his natural
inclination to make Yudhishthira accept
the invitation and go to Hastinapura. The
Pandavas and their retinue stopped in the
magnificent palace reserved for them.

Yudhishthira rested on the day of arrival,
and after the daily routine of duties, went
to the hall of games the next morning.
After the exchange of customary
greetings, Sakuni announced to
Yudhishthira that the cloth for playing the
game had been spread and invited him to

Yudhishthira at first said: "O king,
gambling is bad. It is not through heroism
or merit that one succeeds in a game of
chance. Asita, Devala and other wise
rishis who were well-versed in worldly
affairs have declared that gambling should
be avoided since it offers scope for deceit.
They have also said that conquest in battle
is the proper path for the kshatriyas. You
are not unaware of it."

But a part of himself, weakened by
addiction to gambling, was at war with his
judgment and in his heart of hearts
Yudhishthira desired to play.

In his discussion with Sakuni, we see this
inner conflict. The keen-witted Sakuni
spotted this weakness at once and said:
"What is wrong with the game? What, in
fact, is a battle? What is even a discussion
between Vedic scholars? The learned man
wins victory over the ignorant. The better
man wins in every case. It is just a test of
strength or skill, that is all, and there is
nothing wrong in it. As for the result, in
every field of activity, the expert defeats
the beginner, and that is what happens in a
game of dice also. But if you are afraid,
you need not play. But do not come out
with this worn excuse of right and

Yudhishthira replied: "Well, who is to
play with me?"
Duryodhana said: "Mine is the
responsibility for finding the stakes in the
form of wealth and gems to play the
game. My uncle Sakuni will actually cast
the dice in my stead."

Yudhishthira had thought himself secure
of defeating Duryodhana in play but
Sakuni was a different matter, for Sakuni
was a recognised expert. So he hesitated
and said: "It is not, I think, customary for
one man to play on behalf of another."
Sakuni retorted tauntingly: "I see that you
are forging another excuse."

Yudhishthira flushed and, casting caution
to the winds, replied: "Well, I shall play."
The hall was fully crowded. Drona, Kripa,
Bhishma, Vidura, and Dhritarashtra were
seated there. They knew that the game
would end viciously and sat unhappily
witnessing what they could not prevent.

The assembled princes watched the game
with great interest and enthusiasm. At first
they wagered jewels and later gold, silver
and then chariots and horses. Yudhishthira
lost continually.

When he lost all these, Yudhishthira
staked his servants and lost them also. He
pledged his elephants and armies and lost
them too. The dice thrown by Sakuni
seemed at every time to obey his will.
Cows, sheep, cities, villages and citizens
and all other possessions were lost by
Yudhishthira. Still, drugged with
misfortune, he would not stop.

He lost the ornaments of his brothers and
himself as well as the very clothes they
wore. Still bad luck dogged him, or rather
the trickery of Sakuni was too much for

Sakuni asked: "Is there anything else that
you can offer as wager?"
Yudhishthira said: "Here is the beautiful
sky-complexioned Nakula. He is one of
my riches. I place him as a wager."

Sakuni replied: "Is it so? We shall be glad
to win your beloved prince." With these
words Sakuni cast the dice and the result
was what he had foretold.

The assembly trembled.

Yudhishthira said: "Here is my brother
Sahadeva. He is famous for his infinite
knowledge in all the arts. It is wrong to
bet him, still I do so. Let us play."
Sakuni cast the dice with the words:
"Here, I have played and I have
won."Yudhishthira lost Sahadeva too.

The wicked Sakuni was afraid that
Yudhishthira might stop there. So be
lashed Yudhishthira with these words:
"To you, Bhima and Arjuna, being your
full brothers, are no doubt dearer than the
sons of Madri. You will not offer them, I

Yudhishthira, now thoroughly reckless
and stung to the quick by the sneering
imputation that he held his step-brothers
cheap, replied: "Fool, do you seek to
divide us? How can you, living an evil
life, understand the righteous life we

He continued: "I offer as wager the evervictorious
Arjuna who successfully
voyages across oceans of battle. Let us

Sakuni answered: "I cast the dice" and he
played. Yudhishthira lost Arjuna also.

The stubborn madness of unbroken
misfortune carried Yudhishthira further
and deeper. With tears in his eyes, he said:
"O king, Bhima, my brother, is our leader
in battle. He strikes terror into the heart of
demons and is equal to Indra; he can
never suffer the least dishonor and he is
peerless throughout the world in physical
strength. I offer him as a bet" and he
played again and lost Bhima too.
The wicked Sakuni asked: "Is there any
thing else you can offer?"

Dharmaputra replied: "Yes. Here is
myself. If you win, I shall be your slave."
"Look. I win." Thus saying, Sakuni cast
the dice and won. After that Sakuni stood
up in the assembly and shouted the names
of each of the five Pandavas and loudly
proclaimed that they had all become his
lawful slaves.

The assembly looked on in stunned
silence. Sakuni alone turned
toYudhishthira and said: "There is one
jewel still in your possession by staking
which you can yet free yourself. Can you
not continue the game cffering your wife
Draupadi as wager?"

Yudhishthira despairingly said: "I pledge
her," and he trembled unwittingly.
There was audible distress and agitation in
that part of the assembly where the elders
sat. Soon great shouts of 'Fie! Fie!' arose
from all sides. The more emotional wept.
Others perspired, and felt the end of the
world was come.

Duryodhana, his brothers and Karna
shouted with exultation. In that group
Yuyutsu alone bent his head in shame and
sorrow and heaved a deep sigh. Sakuni
cast the dice and shouted again: "I have

At once Duryodhana turned to Vidura and
said: "Go and fetch Draupadi, the beloved
wife of the Pandavas. She must hence
forward sweep and clean our house. Let
her come without delay."

Vidura exclaimed: "Are you mad that you
rush to certain destruction? You are
hanging by a slender thread over a
bottomless abyss! Drunk with success,
you do not see it, but it will engulf you!"
Having thus reprimanded Duryodhana,
Vidura turned to the assembly and said:
"Yudhishthira had no right tostake
Panchali as by then he had himself already
lost his freedom and lost all rights. I see
that the ruin of the Kauravas is imminent,
and that, regardless of the advice of their
friends and well-wishers, the sons of
Dhritarashtra are on the path to hell."

Duryodhana was angry at these words of
Vidura and told Prathikami, his
charioteer: "Vidura is jealous of us and he
is afraid of the Pandavas. But you are
different. Go forth and bring Draupadi


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