
Showing posts from June, 2022

The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita- 6.3 -Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Friday, June 24 2022. 06:00. AM. Chapter 6: Universal Action -3. ======================================================================== Now, this is an esoteric teaching which has psycho-biological implications, with a spiritual profundity at the background. The various phases of the moon, which are fifteen in number counted through the bright half and the dark half of the lunar month, as we call it, are connected with the various plexuses in the system of the body, and the digits of the moon are regarded as representative of the digits in the psychic body, which are the plexuses or centres, called the chakras. They are not in the physical body, though they have an impact upon the corresponding centres in the physical body. According to this doctrine, the ajnachakra is the location of the blossomed intellect or the mind when it is fully awak

The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita- 6.2 -Swami Krishnananda.

 ================================================================ ================================================================ Saturday, June 11, 2022. 06:00.  Chapter 6: Universal Action -2. =============================================================== A self-controlled person is also a sense-controlled person, and vice versa. The one is the same as the other, but the matter is not over here. There is an establishment of the mind in pure sattva when there is the withdrawal of sense energy into the mind by way of consideration and an establishment of oneself in non-distracted attention or concentration. All concentration of sense is distracted attention, but the concentration that we attain to when the senses are withdrawn into the mind is not distracted—it is sattvica. Therefore that state is referred to as visuddhtmta. Visuddhtm vijitatma jitendriyah: We become pure in the literal sense, not only in the ethical or social sense. It is not the ethical righteousness that is spoken