The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita-2.6 -Swami Krishnananda.

=========================================== =========================================== 20/04/2020. Chapter 2- Challenges of the Spiritual Seeker - 6. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. #The decision is taken by God Himself—man cannot take the decision. And Sri Krishna took up the lead in this path of what decision is to be taken finally. *Is the universe as an object to be retained, even in a subtle form, or is it to be abolished altogether? **Is it to be absorbed totally? ***And do we have to see to the deathbed of the entire objective existence, or is it necessary to strike a lesser note and come to an agreement with factors which are far below this level of extreme expectation? Yudhishthira was wavering, he could not come to a conclusion; and we too are wavering. It is not easy for us to love God wholly, because that would mean the acceptance of the necessity to dissolve the whole w...