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The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita- 3.5 -Swami Krishnananda.

  -------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, November 18,, 2020. 07 : 21. AM. Chapter-3. The World is the Face of God - 5. --------------------------------------------- So, there is some mystery in this world. We can call God only as a mystery, and nothing else; and we are involved in this world of appearances. We are a part of this world; therefore it is not given to us to completely reject the law of the world. A complete carelessness towards the rules that are prevailing in the cosmos would be to the doom of the individual, and that foolhardy aspiration for God would be paid back in its own coin as sorrow. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa used to say that the devotee of God is not a foolish man; he is a devotee, but he is not foolish—he is wise. What is wisdom? Wisdom is nothing but an understanding of the nature of life. To understand what life is would be wisdom, and to mistake life for what it is not would be unwisdom. ----------------------- Religions often have ma

The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita- 3.4 -Swami Krishnananda.

  ---------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, October 26,, 2020. 07 : 21. AM. Chapter-3. The World is the Face of God - 4. ---------------------------------------------------------------- But suffering is also a kind of catharsis that is administered to the soul to purge its sins. It is not a curse that has descended upon us. Suffering is not a curse. It is a cleansing process, like a fever that comes to clean the system and throw out the toxic matter from the body. We suffer due to certain automatic reactions that are set up by certain actions. Actions are performed by people without the knowledge of the nature of the consequences that these actions would produce, because the consequences are conditioned by factors beyond one’s thought. We have some idea as to what we are capable of doing, but we cannot have a complete idea of what we fall on, because the effects are determined by various factors other than merely the idea about it in the mind of the doer

The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita- 3.3 -Swami Krishnananda.

  ---------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, October 02,, 2020.  Chapter-3. The World is the Face of God - 3. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The life of a saint is a mystic Mahabharata itself. Every sage or saint has passed through all the stages of the Mahabharata conflict. No one lived as a great saint without passing through untold hardships, and no one ever left this world with the feeling that it is all milk and honey flowing. The truth of the world becomes evident to the eyes that are about to close to this world; the untutored mind takes it for what it is not. Hence the glory of the royal coronation and success ended in untold grief, because of a negative aspect that was hidden in the joy of the coronation. There was something lacking. It was a glory that was bestowed upon Yudhishthira by the power of people, like the ascent of a person to the throne of a ministry by the raising of hands of the vast public. But t

The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita- 3.2 -Swami Krishnananda.

  ---------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, September 16, 2020. 7: 00.AM. Chapter-3. The World is the Face of God - 2. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. In the process of evolution there is a transfiguration of the structure of individuality. The individuality transforms itself in the process of evolution, and simultaneously with this transformation, the notions, the ideas of right and wrong, good and bad, pleasure and pain also change. What is pleasant today need not be pleasant even to me, myself tomorrow, on account of the change of my attitude to things due to a shift of emphasis in the process of evolution. This is commonplace and does not require much commentary.  2. Hence we should not be under the erroneous notion that a jubilant feeling within us is a sign of spiritual vision, since our jubilation is somehow or other connected with the nature of our own personality. The likes and dislikes of the mind of an ind

The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita- 3.1 -Swami Krishnananda.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, August 16, 2020. 8:03. PM. Chapter-3. The World is the Face of God - 1. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. In the journey of spiritual practice, there are many halting places on the way. It is not a direct flight without any stop in-between. At the very inception of this endeavor known as spiritual sadhana, there is an upheaval of the powers of aspiration, an innocent longing for God and a confidence that one would reach God—perhaps the same kind of confidence that a child has in catching the moon. The innocence and the credulity do not permit the acceptance of the difficulties involved in this pursuit. There is simplicity, sincerity and honesty coupled with ignorance, and this is practically the circumstance of every spiritual seeker. There is a humble innocence, very praiseworthy, but it is also attended with ignorance of the problems on the path and the difficulties

The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita-2.8 -Swami Krishnananda.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, July 07, 2020.5:42. AM. Chapter 2- Challenges of the Spiritual Seeker - 8. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. This doubt will come at the last moment, at the critical point when everything is ready to strike the match. When the fire is going to be ignited, at that very moment the spirit doubts. “Doubts are our traitors,” says Milton in a passage. Our enemies are our doubts, and finally we have a doubt after everything is clear; and that final doubt crushes down all that we have done up to this time. Finally the doubt comes: Is it after all going to bring anything, or am I going to lose everything under the pretext of going to gain God to attain salvation? This doubt will not present itself in the earlier stages. The most ferocious enemy always comes later; the lesser powers are released earlier. In every war, in every battle, the minor powers are used first and the powerful reserv

The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita-2.7 -Swami Krishnananda.

============================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sunday, May 17, 2020. Chapter 2- Challenges of the Spiritual Seeker - 7. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The leader of the Pandava forces, from the point of view of military strategy, was Arjuna. It was he who finally agreed that war was the only way—there was no way out. But it is he who became diffident, in contradistinction to the spirit of valour which he exhibited earlier. There is a great mystical situation before every seeker also. Every one of us is convinced that God is All. Who is not convinced? We have read the scriptures; we have listened to the Srimad Bhagavatam; we have attended satsangas; we have heard so many sermons from Mahatmas. We agree that the realisation of God is the ultimate goal of life and nothing else is worth attaining, but t

The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita-2.6 -Swami Krishnananda.

=========================================== =========================================== 20/04/2020. Chapter 2- Challenges of the Spiritual Seeker - 6. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. #The decision is taken by God Himself—man cannot take the decision. And Sri Krishna took up the lead in this path of what decision is to be taken finally.  *Is the universe as an object to be retained, even in a subtle form, or is it to be abolished altogether?  **Is it to be absorbed totally?  ***And do we have to see to the deathbed of the entire objective existence, or is it necessary to strike a lesser note and come to an agreement with factors which are far below this level of extreme expectation?  Yudhishthira was wavering, he could not come to a conclusion; and we too are wavering. It is not easy for us to love God wholly, because that would mean the acceptance of the necessity to dissolve the whole world itself in the

The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita-2.5 -Swami Krishnananda.

================================================================================= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07/04/2020. Chapter 2- Challenges of the Spiritual Seeker - 5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. #The Udyoga Parva, which describes in a beautiful manner the assembly of the princes of the time in the court of Virata, goes further into greater detail of the contemplations of these princes.  *There are difficulties in the decisions to be taken—what is to be done?  **There are various opinions coming forth from various parties. Whenever a personality faces the world, the universe in front of it, it has various interpretations of it. Are we to make friends with it?  ###Are we somehow or other to adjust ourselves with it, to make its law our own law?  ####Are we to change th

The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita-2.4 -Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26/02/2020. Chapter 2- Challenges of the Spiritual Seeker - 4. Post-4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. #I am just giving an outline of the situation, which goes deeper then the ordinary psychological level. It touches the borderline of the spirit, and yet has not entered into the universal spirit. That situation is a terrible situation indeed, where we have lost everything that we can call our own, and lost our grip and hold over things which are near and dear to us, yet have lost also our grip over that which we are seeking. ##This is exactly the condition of being left adrift at sea. “I am at sea,” as they say, which means there is no succour. We are just sinking because there is no suppor

The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita-2.3 -Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/02/2020. Chapter 2- Challenges of the Spiritual Seeker - 3. Post-3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. There is such a thing called the sorrow of the spirit, though it may look like an anomaly. How could there be sorrow for the spirit? Yes, there is some kind of situation in which our deeper self finds itself in its search for the Absolute. These are all interesting stages that are in mystical theology and the yoga of the advent of the spirit. Some of the songs and poems of the Vaishnava saints of the south, the Alvars, particularly the Nawars, and some of the rapturous expressions of the leading Shaivite saints, will be enough examples to us of the inexpressible and intricate spiritual p