
Showing posts from December, 2019

The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita-2.2 -Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== ======================================================================== 25/12/2019. Chapter 2- Challenges of the Spiritual Seeker - 2. ======================================================================== 2.2.1 "God helps us, it is true, but He helps us in His own way—not in the way we would expect Him to work". There is a logic of His own, which is not always expressed in terms of human logic. Sri Krishna was there, alive, even when the Pandavas were tortured, almost, in the forest, but we do not hear much about his movements during this period of twelve years. There was, however, a mention of his casual visit to the Pandavas, where he expresses in a few words his wrath, his intense anger against what had happened. “Well, I am sorry that I was not present. I would not have allowed this to have happened if I had been present.” That was all he could say, and that was all he did sa

The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita-2.1 -Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== ======================================================================== 15/12/2019. Chapter 2: Challenges of the Spiritual Seeker -1. ======================================================================== The power of sadhana does not gain adequate confidence until divine powers collaborate with it, and God Himself seems to be at the back of the seeker of God. We have been noting a great epic symbol in the Mahabharata, wherein we are given the narration of the adventure of the spirit in its struggle for ultimate freedom. The wilderness of the forest life that the Pandavas had to undergo is a great lesson to the spiritual seeker. No one can escape the ups and downs of life, the vicissitudes of time through which the ancient sages and saints have passed; everyone seems to have the duty to tread the same path. We have to walk the same path, and the path is laid before us with all its intricacies, with