
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Role of Lord Sri Krishna in the Mahabharatam - 13.

08/12/2018 The Role of Lord Sri Krishna in the Mahabharatam - 13. Swami Krishnananda (Spoken on Sri Krishna Janmashtami in 1972) The Drona Parva is again a masterpiece of Vyasa’s literary beauty. Only those who know Sanskrit can appreciate the literary beauty of Vyasa; but even in a translation, one may enjoy it because of the magnificent high pitch of language used. It is difficult to read it without a thrill, without hair standing on end, and without a tumult of emotion in one’s mind. In the Drona Parva, the work was very difficult. It became more complicated, and Sri Krishna had to help Arjuna from various calamities and catastrophes. Sri Krishna was alone, grooming the horses, while Arjuna fought alone, single handedly, on foot in the battlefield. And there was a very powerful man called Bhagadatta. He was a very old man. He used to fight on a very powerful elephant which was supposed to be a descendent of Airavata of Indra. A very fierce elephant it was; it could simp